Exam questions: 26
Exam time: 180 minutes
Curriculum: 119 topics
Recommended study time: 120 hours*
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* Recommended study time is an estimate and can differ per learner
Chapter 1: Linear formulas and equations (13 topics)
Chapter 2: System of linear equations (8 topics)
Chapter 3: Quadratic equations (13 topics)
Chapter 4: Functions (29 topics)
Chapter 5: Exponential functions and logarithms (13 topics)
Chapter 6: Sequences and series (5 topics)
Chapter 7: Trigonometry (13 topics)
Chapter 8: Geometry - basics (8 topics)
Chapter 9: Geometry - continued (9 topics)
Chapter 10: Physics (Mechanics) (4 topics)
Chapter 11: Chemistry (4 topics)