The student...
Functions, graphs and equations (45%)
- ...solves equations and inequalities of standard functions* and interprets the solutions.
- ...solves systems of two linear equations and interprets the solutions.
- ...names and uses the characteristic features of standard functions*, e.g. finds the domain, range, zeros, vertices.
- ... identifies and finds properties of a graph from its function rule and vice versa.
- ...determines the asymptotic behaviour of functions and demonstrates this behaviour with the calculation of limits.
*standard functions include linear function, power functions (with rational exponents), exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, the absolute value function, any combination of these (composite functions) and functions with parameters (families of functions).
Sequences & series (10%)
- ...recognises, analyses and calculates with sequences, including more specific types of sequences such as arithmetic, geometric, recursive and piecewise-defined sequences.
- ...recognises, analyses and calculates with series, including more specific types of series such as arithmetic and geometric series and calculates the sum of the first n terms of a series or of an infinite series, understanding and using the sigma notation.
Trigonometric functions (15%)
- ...draws up and edits formulas for periodic phenomena, solves equations and uses the periodicity with insight, using the formula list where necessary.
Geometry and coordinates (10%)
- ...investigates and demonstrates geometrical properties of objects, using geometric and algebraic techniques when necessary.
- ...computes geometric quantities of triangles and geometric objects using their properties, the Pythagorean theorem, and the formula for the distance between two points.
Mechanics (10%)
- ...understands the basic concepts needed to describe motion and their relationships (e.g. position, velocity, and acceleration), and performs computations with motion equations for constant acceleration (including the description of falling objects and projectiles).
- ...understands forces and Newton's laws, can draw a free body diagram illustrating the forces at play in a problem and applies the laws of motion to solve the problem.
- ...understands the concepts of work and other forms of energy (potential and kinetic) and solves problems involving these energy concepts and conversions between them.
Chemistry (10%)
- ...writes and balances chemical equations in molecular, total ionic, and net ionic formats.
- ...identifies the oxidant and reductant of a redox reaction, and balances chemical equations for redox reactions using the half-reaction method.
- ...computes the pH of a solution and determines the quantity of a given solute needed to neutralize a solution. Continue Ask question