The student...
Numbers 10%
- ...simplifies and calculates with fractions, powers, roots, and absolute values with (positive and negative) numbers.
Algebra 15%
- ...simplifies, factorizes, expands, and calculates expressions with variables (including fractions).
Linear formulas, equations and Systems of linear equations (10%)
- ...composes linear formulas.
- ...solves linear equations, or systems thereof, and inequalities.
Quadratic equations and Functions (10%)
- ...solves quadratic equations and equations with roots.
- ...identifies and finds (properties of) the graph of a standard function (e.g. parabola, square root, rational) from its function rule and vice versa.
Exponential functions and logarithms (5%)
- ...simplifies expressions of logarithmic and exponential functions.
Descriptive Statistics (10%)
- ...identifies qualitative and quantitative variables, and identifies and computes properties of a sample (range, measures of central tendency, and variability of a sample).
Probability (10%)
- ...calculates probabilities of events, including their union, intersection and complement, and conditional probability, from a given sample space (using formulas and contingency tables).
Combinatorics (10%)
- ...uses counting principles to calculate the number of possible outcomes of an experiment.
Random Variables (10%)
- ...identifies discrete and continuous random variables and computes probabilities of events and expected values of given probability distributions.
Common probability distributions (10%)
- ...computes probabilities of events in the context of common probability distributions (binomial and normal).